Saturday 2 March 2013

Cubes... Coloured Cubes!

Using the lovely OpenGL in C++ allows me to create this nice cube. I've made it using variables determining the amount of vertices, polygons and colours which are read from a file. I've also determined the camera position in the world space by using the controls WASD, and constantly updated the view to be able to actually see the view change!
All exciting stuffs, for me anyways so here's a nice lovely picture :)
(Camera co-ordinates in pink, X pos Y pos and Z pos)

I'm now working on how I can get this cube to render using triangles instead of quads :)

Sunday 17 February 2013

Oh hai

Getting carried away and forgetting stuff is my style if you hadn't known by now, however no more of that! (maybe)

Kinda turning things into cereal mode and focusing on games development and future tutorials (once I get good ofcourse ;) ). Working on some lovely C++ stuff at the moment (tutorial work). I'll be uploading my work on here quite frequently so don't worry, colourful cubes and wonderful textures will be on their way, for now you will have to satisfy yourselves with a lovely image of barely commented code :) oh and a cake.

This cake is most certainly not a lie.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Packing for Uni!

Leaving things to the last minute is probably my type of thing, even if it doesn't work out 90% of the time but I managed to pack all of my stuff in time! Really wierd to see my room so bare and empty right now and I've still left some things here for me to pick up next week after freshers! However it's still a goddamn tip.

With Uni starting tomorrow, I've gotten into a predicament with student finance meaning I wont get my money until early - mid october which means I'm screwed for freshers, don't know how the hell im gonna survive for 2 - 3 weeks also but things will work out! Gonna miss my room and my view from my window. I'm moving to better things!

The next time I blog, i'll be in Uni and sharing awesome things!

Monday 10 September 2012

Hello world!

Blogging! Who would have ever thought I would start doing it! Well, I am now so I and you reading this better get used to it :p Why did I start blogging? Other than for the lulz, I guess I must spurt out and show the internet the crazy lifestyle I live! I'll be starting university soon, to be precise this Sunday and I'm all excited and I'll be sharing my life and experience because that's what I do.  I'm going be studying Computer Games Programming, so the technical side of making games rather than the arty side, so yeah lots of maths and programming I have to get on with! Right now, it's late and my room is an entire tip so I guess I'll tidy up and head off but before I do that I'll give a quick display of my desk right now.